Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Books vs. books

Have you ever wanted to chance to pit your favourite books against one another in a fantasy final four showdown, March Madness style? Well, here's your chance. HarperCollins has kicked off HCC March Madness 2009. It starts with 64 books and each week, based on the votes of the public, the field is narrowed until only two remain. And then one remains. It's an interesting sidebar for a boring day. Or a boring month, I guess (If you're not basketball fans, March Madness is the annual Men's American College Basketball Championship Tournament). Maybe we should read the winner of this contest... or just a book about basketball. Rabbit, Run? Basketball Diaries? Air Bud? Teen Wolf? Oh, wait. Those are movies (Thanks to The Indextrious Reader for the link).

1 comment:

Garry said...

I guess it's just "Harper" now, since the news that HarperCollins has laid off two executives and the "Collins" imprint will be absorbed into Harper.